Monday, February 1, 2010

Day 31 January 31, 2010

Exodus 12:14-13:16
Is this tradition the Lord speaks of customary..what is it called? It refers to no yeast in bread, etc. Is there any significance to yeast and yeast not being allowed or is it just a show of their sacrifice to him? Are all these rituals just to remember that the Lord's mighty and fulfilled his promise to the Israelites.
Matthew 20:29 -21:22
When Jesus is coming to Jerusalem He sent two of his people ahead to grab the two donkeys (one colt). He is going to ride into Jerusalem on these, showing how humble he is..he could have chosen anything but he comes on the cheapest. When he gets to the temple in Jerusalem he sees them buying and selling and trading He gets very angry. "My temple will be called a house of prayer, but you have turned it into a den of thieves" Jesus refers to faith etc. in this passage with the fig tree. It is not providing fruit so he causes it to wither and die. The disciples were amazed at this and asked how it was possible. Jesus tells them that with faith anything is possible. If you want to push a mountain into the sea, pray for it and you will receive it. This is what Nate relates to at his breakfast.
**Important thing just hit me, the Lord uses us as tools to His glory. They are sometimes different. My relationship with Christ doesn't allow me to judge. I feel deeply convicted if I do. My convictions may be less with something else equally important in God's eyes. But if God is using us as His tools, sometimes He needs a 60lb. mallet and sometimes he may need a fine chisel. We are not wrong if we are doing it in God's name.

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