Monday, February 15, 2010

DAY 46, FEB. 15, 2010

Exodus 39:1-40:38
Again the passages are long and monotonous and I wasn't really understanding the deep meaning to the same instructions being said over and over. But in my like communication has always been an issue and making sure people bought into it, with those directions being handed down over and over that is the point.
Mark 1:1-28
John shows again his lack of pride and arrogance talking about the coming of Jesus. "Someone is coming so much greater that I'm not worthy to be like a slave and untie His sandals." When John baptizes Jesus he truly was reborn and after the display of God's love, he is immediately tested by Satan..this is like our continual battles with sin, even though being saved, we all battle sins and the devil always. The cool part with this vs. Matthew is that Jesus authority is established , His authority over His teaching absolute authority because it is and He is the truth. Authority over His disciples and His authority over sin and evil by exorcising the demon in the church. "What sort of new teaching is this?" It has such authority! Even evil spirits obey His orders. This is said excitedly by the witnesses showing His authority.
Proverbs 9:11-12
Wisdom will multiply your days and add years to your life. If you become so I still hope to become wise, meaning I can move forward and get wiser and with Your Word, I do become wiser every day.

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