Tuesday, February 23, 2010

DAY 54, FEB. 23, 2010

Leviticus 14:1-57
In these passages it is about Moses being told by the Lord how to deal with serious skin diseases and mildew both on clothes and in the house. Again, as earlier, God is exact and clear with His directions and how He wants these issues to be handled.

Mark 6:30-56
Jesus and the apostles wanted to get away to a quiet place when the apostles come back from their missions. They were so busy they didn't have time to eat. When they left so many people followed them that they had to teach them. Jesus said they were like sheep without a shepherd. This is also the place where Jesus fed 5000 people from five loaves of bread and two fish. Another miraculous event is when Jesus walks on water to save the disciples on the boat. Is there any significance to the apostles screaming, thinking He was a ghost and if not, Jesus may have walked past them?

Psalms 40:1-10
This seems to be a more humble David and not so full of pride speaking to God. I see why he is a true son of God in this passage and there seems to be a change. He has given me a new song to sing indicates a change or a different song than the one before.

Proverbs 10:11-12
The words of the Godly are indeed a life giving fountain as they provide salvation to all who hear and speak the truth.

DAY 53, FEB. 22, 2010

Leviticus 13:1-59
These passages are all about the instructions form God to Moses and Aaron on how to treat different skin afflictions. Again, all of these instructions are extremely detailed and clear without my interpretation.

Mark 6:1-29
The first part of this passage is so true and accurate even to myself. How can He be so wise and smart and do all of these miraculous things yet they (me) scoff at this. So they (me) are saying look at it all..I believe, but I can't believe because of...This was me and I am sorry for my weaknesses of the past. Another important note for the beginning passages is that because of their lack of faith He couldn't do anything for them. "He was amazed at their unbelief".. When it starts to describe John the Baptist and Herod's relationship it is discussed that he was protective of and liked John. He protected John form his wife who wanted him dead. Herod was obviously convicted by John as it says he was greatly disturbed when talking to John. Why John the Baptist was beheaded is absolutely disgusting and wrong. To use your children to do your evil bidding especially against such a Holy person as John is such an act of evil.

Psalms 39:1-13
This Psalm is insightful and wise as my life is but a breath. It is short and insignificant in the scope of things. "RESOLVE ME FROM MY REBELLION. DO NOT LET FOOLS MOCK ME!"

DAY 52, FEB. 21, 2010

Leviticus 11:1-12:8
When the Lord is describing the animals to eat or not to eat, He describes the pig. It this why Jewish people do not eat pig? Are a lot of these instructions health related as well?

Mark 5:21-43
When Jesus is on His way to heal Jarius' daughter the lady touches His robe and is healed from her bleeding. There are a few important notes from this passage. First , she had paid all of her money to those doctors and she was still not healed after 12 years and by just touching Jesus' robe she was healed. When Jesus tried to find out who it was, I assumed it was for scolding and it wasn't, it also wasn't to take the healing back. The important message is that faith coupled with Jesus can heal or do anything. "Daughter your faith has made you well, go in peace. Your suffering is over." Amen, and what a powerful message! When the message arrives that Jarius' daughter is dead, He assures Jaruis just to have faith. When Jesus resurrects the 12 year old girl, the strength again is overwhelming but more importantly is the amount of humbleness and the depth to Him. He tells all of them to not tell anyone of this miracle. He wants people to come to the Lord on the merits of His teachings, not miraculous events or that He is the Son of God.
Psalms 38:1-22
Earlier David chastises the sinner and calls them weak; we need to pray for our enemies and walk with God with a sense of humility.

DAY 51, FEB. 20, 2010

Leviticus 9:7-10:20
This passage is about the offerings for their sins and what they are doing when they are doing them. This is one of the most shocking developments in anything I have read so far, it seems to be heading in the same direction as the other recent Old Testament passages, and then Aaron's two sons are killed by God for burning incense incorrectly. The two things that really shocked me were first how could they have messed up after all the clear instruction that were given over and over but as well it seems like such a harsh judgement for what seemed a fairly minor mistake. This might be another illustration that we cannot figure out the designs of God. What WE may deem as insignificant may be HUGE in God's eyes and vice verse.

Mark 4:26-5:20
It is clear that in Jesus' public ministry He taught in parables and then in His private ministries He explains everything in detail. Is this to get the people that are truly interested in the Lord and weed out unbelievers? This is also the passage where Jesus is on the boat sleeping when the storm and water start to come on the boat. In a miraculous event He silences and stills the wind and water. He then scolds the disciples for their lack of faith. Why are you afraid is what He asks of them. When they got to the other side, this is where He runs across the demon possessed man and He exorcises all the demons to the pigs. The people of the town then want Him to leave. How shortsighted are they? They give up eternal salvation for creeps and pigs...

DAY 50, FEB. 19, 2010

Leviticus 7:28-9:6
Again, I believe this illustrates how clear and detailed we need to be with our directions. Leave nothing to interpretation.

Mark 3:31-4:25
When they come to tell Jesus that his mother and brothers come to see Him and He states that all of His people that do God's will are His brothers and sisters and mothers. But does Jesus go out and meet His mother and brothers? Does this also show that doing God's will and spreading the word is more important than His brothers and mother? Jesus repeats the same parables that were used in Matthew (the story repeats, sorry, Jesus does not). I love this parable because it represents me at different stages of my life. All of these have represented me at different stages. I truly want to be the good deep soil now that bears a great harvest many times more than what has been planted. "Would anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket or under a bed." A lamp needs to be put on a light; this is the direction I need Lord, to do what I make in my heart to do today. I will not let SATAN dissuade me. Your word will be put to task and I will present it to many.

Psalm 37:12-29
It is better to be Godly and have little than to be evil and rich. For the strength of the wicked will be shattered. God I love Your words everyday.

DAY 49, FEB. 18, 2010

Mark 3:7-30
When Jesus went to the lake, the people and followers are huge in numbers. When the people possessed by evil spirits throw their bodies down in front of Him, why does He command the spirits not to say He is the Son of God/ Is it for the reason that He doesn't want people coming to believe and coming to the Lord because of who He is (Name) but more importantly by what He is (AWESOME IN EVERY WAY). The Pharisees accuse Him of being in league with the Devil and for this Jesus says "all sin and blasphemy can be forgiven but anyone who blasphemes the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven. This is a sin with eternal consequences. An important note is that yesterday He was preaching and healing on the Sabbath in a "church" and today He is in a boat in a town. Jesus can and will be where ever we are and need Him.

Psalms 37:1-11
Like spring flowers they soon wither. That was me; I was bright and boastful like a spring flower, but look at me now. I have withered. I will be like a peacock, but it will be Your praise that I speak and Your colours that shine bright. This whole Psalm is awesome; it is about me all my life, including yesterday, today and tomorrow. Stop being angry-turn from your wrath! Do not lose your temper--it only leads to harm. This was me yesterday and it leads to harm and evil as I spewed venom from my mouthy.

Proverbs 10:3-7

DAY 48, FEB. 17, 2010

Leviticus 4:1-5:19
These passages again are full of exact directions for offerings for sins that are committed. The lesson here is have a well laid out plan with contingencies in place.

Mark 2:13-3:6
The first part of this passage is awesome and insightful and accurate. The Pharisees question why Jesus is having dinners with scum. His answer to these questions are awesome! "Do healthy people need a doctor--sick people do." He is not calling on those who think they are righteous but those who know they are sinners. Thank you Jesus for inviting and waiting for me to come to dinner! The Pharisees then started accusing Jesus and his disciples of working on the Sabbath, when He goes into the temple on Sunday to heal the man with the deformed hand and He asks the Pharisees if they should not commit good deeds on the Sabbath; should they commit only evil deeds? They choose not to answer Him. He is disappointed by their hardened hearts. They are letting their own wills and ways get in the way of God's will.
Proverbs 10:1-2
"A wise child brings joy to a father; a foolish child brings grief t a mother." Tainted wealth has no lasting value, but right living can save your life. I have lived and am a living example of this. My wealth obtained from sin has left and I am living right and it really saved my life.

DAY 47 FEB. 16, 2010

Leviticus 1:1-3:17
Is it pleasing to the Lord because it is us sacrificing something from ourselves, and these sacrifices aren't required anymore because He sacrificed His son for us?

Mark 1:29-2:12
It is so interesting and matter of fact how quick and easily He healed Simon's mother-in-law! Later that evening He healed many people and cured people who were possessed by devils and demons, needless to say Jesus was in high demand. He had to explain to His disciples that the reason why He came was to preach to more people and cast out demons everywhere. After He healed the man with leprosy and the man Jesus' will told everyone. This brought people from everywhere coming to Him. The paralyzed man is a great illustration of Jesus' dominion over us on earth. He has the power and has always had the power to forgive our sins.

Psalms 35:17-28
He seems to be questioning the Lord in the first line here. David seems to have a lack of faith and a accusatory way with the Lord. He always seems to come around and know his place with the Lord.

Proverbs 9:13-18
A common theme in Proverbs is to avoid the seducing woman and this proved to yet another example of this. She leads to the devil and the grave.

Monday, February 15, 2010

DAY 46, FEB. 15, 2010

Exodus 39:1-40:38
Again the passages are long and monotonous and I wasn't really understanding the deep meaning to the same instructions being said over and over. But in my like communication has always been an issue and making sure people bought into it, with those directions being handed down over and over that is the point.
Mark 1:1-28
John shows again his lack of pride and arrogance talking about the coming of Jesus. "Someone is coming so much greater that I'm not worthy to be like a slave and untie His sandals." When John baptizes Jesus he truly was reborn and after the display of God's love, he is immediately tested by Satan..this is like our continual battles with sin, even though being saved, we all battle sins and the devil always. The cool part with this vs. Matthew is that Jesus authority is established , His authority over His teaching absolute authority because it is and He is the truth. Authority over His disciples and His authority over sin and evil by exorcising the demon in the church. "What sort of new teaching is this?" It has such authority! Even evil spirits obey His orders. This is said excitedly by the witnesses showing His authority.
Proverbs 9:11-12
Wisdom will multiply your days and add years to your life. If you become so I still hope to become wise, meaning I can move forward and get wiser and with Your Word, I do become wiser every day.

DAY 45, Feb. 14, 2010

Exodus 37:1-38:31
This passage deals with Bezalel making(building) all the things the Lord told him to build. There are things you can get out of this such as everything that is donated was being used for evil or for the flesh anyways, it belongs to the Lord anyway, so how much of a sacrifice is it anyway.

Matthew 28:1-20
**This is huge..our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ has risen for the dead to save us. "I have been given all authority in Heaven and on earth. Therefore go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them inthe name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands, I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of all"
Psalm 3:11-22
34:22 "No one who takes refuge in Him will be codemned" Lord I take refuge in you, I give You everything..I know I will not be condemned.
Proverbs 9"9-10
Instruct the wise and they will be even wiser...I am instructed every day by Your word. I listen to goood Christian people and am instructed by them. Teach the right and they will learn even more. I am a learned righteous and I starve for learning. Fear of the Lord is the foundation of wisdom. I fear you and Love you Lord.

DAY 44, FEB. 13

Exodus 35:10-36:38
In this passage, Moses goes over what the Lord has asked to be sacrificed and built for Him. This is a great illustration again because it says "all whose hearts were stirred", not meaning God controlled them, they actually were moved to do this. It is their own sacrifice to the Lord. I am sacrificing my life, my will, my soul to You, dear Lord and I do it out of my love for You. 36:1--"The Lord has gifted"...He has gifted me with tremendous strength which I have used for my own or even worse, the devil's means. Please forgive me--my talents are Yours and Yours alone.
Matthew 27:32-66
*After they had nailed Him to the cross, the soldiers gambled for His clothes by throwing dice. This was me, after He gave His life for me, I gambled for His clothes, all the treasures on the earth are His and I played dice for His treasures (clothes). Everyone mocking Jesus is the same as me; the difference is I know and I believe and I always have believed and yet I still mocked You. I am sorry, Jesus. It would have been better if I denied and mocked you bu I knew who You were and still mocked You.
Psalm 34:1-10
I enjoy Psalm more every day. They seem to be directed at me more and more. The Lord is the only one I will boast on. No shadow of shame will darken the face! Amen!
Proverbs 9:7-8
A simple message in this Proverb..don't rebuke a mocker; don't correct mockers, they will hate you. Correct the wise and they will love you.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Day 43 Feb 12

Exodus 34:1-35:9
The Lord exclaims that he is the God of compassion and mercy, he is slow to anger and filled with unfailing love and faithfullness. He forgives inequity, rebellion and sin but he does not excuse the guilty. Moses prays that the Lord will accompany them even though they are terrible sinners, The Lord tells them he will lead the way and he will show them miracles they have not ever seen or have never been performed before.
Matthew 27:15-31
Pelate the Roman asks the people who they want him to release Barabbas or Jesus, the people after being convinced by the religous elders say to release Barabbas and they say they want Jesus crucified. This is what is preplanned by Jesus as he needs to be resurected and this is all prophesized. The mocking that was doen by the Roman soldiers is utterly unbeleivable and disgusting, how can you mock the king of all, the most perfect thing ever on this planet, knowing his great mercy he would even forgive these people and there actions.
Psalm 33:12-22
Lord I know you and you alone know my heart, I try to be better, I still sin but I strive to be better tommorrow than today. I fear you and rely on your unfailig love, rescue me from death (eternally and keep me alive in your footsteps in tiem of famine.
Proverbs 9:1-6
Let me eat at the table of wisdom, she is the answer I want to leave my simple ways behind and begin to live and use good judgement.

Day 42 Feb 11

Exodus 32:1-33:23
This passage is a great illustration of myself and how quick I turned away from you Lord. You showed me how glorious and mighty you are and yet I strayed to Satan and his minions, just like the Israelites with the calf. When Moses comes back he is really upset and they end up killing 3000 of there own brother and sisters and children. For this act of repentance they all earned a blessing. The Lord scolds the whole group saying if he was to travel with them all because they are so rebellious and stubborn. The Lord is going to show himself to Moses but he cannot look at his face.
Matthew 26:69-27:14
Peter denies Jesus three times fulfilling his prophecy that he would deny him three times before the rooster crows. Judas tried to return the 30 pieces of silver because he felt so guilty, when he tried to return it they wouldn't take it even though he admitted Jesus was innocent, you see when you go into leaugue with sinners what you are dealing with. Is teh "field of blood" still in existance and this fulfilled Jeremiah's prophecy. When the elders were making there accusations against him Jesus was silent and the only one he responds to is the Roman who asked if he was the "King of Jews" and he responded with "you have said it"
Proverbs 8:33-36
The Lord is wisdom and his instruction is wise, if we make wise choices then the Lord favours us.

Day 41 Feb 10

Exodus 30:11-31:18
Again this passage is more exact directions with absolute detail, anointing oil etc. These passages have not truthfuly done alot for me but I think I may see there purpose. We need a blueprint and a plan for our lives, plan and organize everything to exact measurements etc.
Matthew 26:47-68
When Judas betrays Jesus for 30 pieces of silver I realize I have betrayed Jesus for far less and more than 30 peices of silver. I am sorry Lord and please forgive me. When one of the disciples cuts off the high priest's slaves ear for Jesus saya "those who use the sword will also die by the sword" Jesus also states do you not think that I could I could ask my father for thousands of angels, but he knows the scriptures must be fulfilled. After being arrested Jesus is taken to one of the high preists courtyard where he was given a bogus trial and then they started yelling and beating him. Imagine the amount of guilt and how ashamed these "high preists" feel when teh truth is known.
Psalm 32:1-11

Day 40 Feb 09

Exodus 29:1-30:10
Again this chapter gives specific instructions from the Lord as to how Aaron and his sons will be anointed. He describes in great detail how the sacrifices are to be done etc. There is a the theme here regarding blood and how it ties into the blood of the lamb etc.
Matthew 26:14-46
What a terrible thing for Judas when Jesus announces that " it would be far better for the man if he had never been born" At this last supper Jesus gives bread and says its his body, he then gives wine and declares it to be his blood, and it is poured to act as a sacrifice to forgive the sins of many. Jesus explains to them all that they will scatter and that Peter will deny him three times before nights end. When Peter and teh others fall asleep is this an illustartion and he even says that the spirit is willing but the body is weak. Our body(flesh) without Jesus can't resist the temptations before us.
Psalm 31:19-24
Love the Lord all you Godly ones, for teh Lord protects those who are loyal to him, but he harshly punishes the arrogant. So be strong and courageous all you who put hope in teh Lord!
Proverbs 8:14-26
I LOVE THIS PROVERB. The Lord will fill my treasures with his treausures if I love him. And I do Lord, I love you with all my heart!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Day 39 Feb 08

Exodus 28:1-43
The Lord gives me more specific instructions as to what needs to happen in the making of Aarons robes. He had the tribes of Isaac over his heart and also as a reminder he represents the Israelis as he goes before the Lord.
Matthew 25:31-26:13
He talks about seperating the blessed from the not blessed, the blessed are the ones who fed him when he was hungry, you gave a drink to the thirsty, when he was a stranger you invited him in, when he was naked you gave him clothing, when he was sick you visted him and when he was in prison you visited him. They ask Jesus when they did it they didn't see him ever in those situations, he responds it wasn't him whenever we are doing it to the least of us we are doing it to him. To teh not blessed he says the same that he will send them to the Devil for they didn't do all these things. The situation where teh woman pours the perfume over Jesus, the disciples scold her but Jesus scolds them. Doing deeds directly for Jesus are never a bad thing.
Psalm 31:9-3-18
Lord so much of this Psalm is me, have mercy on me you know the truth all the truth please protect me and my family you are all powerfull and I fully succumb to your will.
Proverbs 8:12-13

Day 38 Feb 07

Exodus 26:1- 27:21
This whole passage is like a blueprint to build teh tabernacle that the Ark of the Covenant will sit in. I apologize Lord as I did not get much out of this.
Matthew 25:1 1-30
There is a first analogy here about the 10 bridesmais, five being wise and five being foolish, the jist of it is we don't know when the Lord is reurning. Be ready always, don't realize the truth when it is too late "and you have to run back to the store." The second analogy is equally effective and it uses teh master (God) going away on a trip and leaving bags of silver (faith) with his servants. The two that used Gods faith and blessings and grew it God was very happy and gave them more blessings and faith. The servant that burried his silver and didn't grow on it was punished. God expects us to allways grow on our blessings and faith and he will reward us for doing this.
Psalm 31:1-8
This psalm again is about the strength of God, he asks for protection, not to be disgraced, says he is dust. Rock of protection, quickly, a fortress for your honour lead me out of danger, "Set me free" entrust spirit in your hand, rejoice in your Lord, you see my troubles, care about the anguish of my soul, you have put me in a safe place Lord you have done all this for me, my enemies are your enemies. THANK YOU LORD.

Day 37 Feb 06

Exodus 23:14-25:40
God continues his instructions to Moses and to the Hebrews, he declares there are three festivals that they must celebrate every year. He also tells them he is sending an angel before you to protect you, he also declares to make sure that every one obeys this angel. Is this angel Moses? He tells them that he is clearing the way ahead of them, he is laying out their territories and tells them to make no treaties with these people. He then has Moses and 70 elders come up the mountain, he shows himself to the elders and it sounds like quite the display. Moses went high into the mountain for 40 days and 40 nights the Lord then gives him very strong instruction on how to build the Ark of the Covenant.
Matthew 24:29-51
Jesus tells how there will be a mighty blast of a trumpet and they will gather his chosen ones from all over the world. Jesus is saying in 24:34 that this generation will not pass from this scene until all these things take place. What does this mean it didn't happen this way? No one knows when this day will happen there is a great analogy how we don't know when the rapture will be. If a homeowner knew when a burglar was coming he would watch and not allow his house to be broken into. We must be ready always as his son will come when we least expect it. He also says a good one about if we knew we would change how we behave, if we don't know we will always behave good.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Day 36 Feb 05

Exodus 21:22-23:13
A thief who is caught must pay in full for everything he stole, if he cannot pay in full for everything he stole, if he cannot pay it he must be sold as a slave. Is this the justice that will be handed out to me? Be sure not to charge anyone falsely with evil. This whole passage is direction and instruction for the people it explains different circumstances.
Matthew 24:1-28
He tells his disciples that all the temples will be demolished, not one stone will stay on top of another. The disciples ask for a time line when this will happen, Jesus explains there will be alot of birth pains to come. He explains sins will be rampant, the good news abouth the kingdom will be preached everywhere. What is this about when he refers to what David prophesized about "the sacreligous object that causes desecration" standing in the holy place. Jesus warns about not being decieved by false Messiah's who will do great signs and wonders to decieve, he has warned us about this before it happens.
Psalm 29:1-11
This psalm is a combination of direction to follow the Lord mixed with a testimont to the strength and power of God and then ends with the blessings of the Lord on his people.
Proverbs 7:6-23
This proverbs is all about getting trapped and snared by a promiscous women, teh trappings and things to be aware of because this is certain eternal damnation.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Day 35 Feb 04

Exodus 19:16 -21:21The Lord lays out the following things, 1 You must not have any other god but me, he is a jealous God who will not tolerate our affection for any other Gods 2 We must not misuse his name 3 we must observe teh sabbath no one in teh family must do any work on teh sabbath 4 honour our fathers and mothers 5 we must not murder 6 we must not commit adultery 7 we must not steal 8 we must not testify falsely against our neighbours 9 we must not covet our neighbours house 10 we must not covet our neighbours wife or anything else that belongs to our neighbour. God expands on some of these laws to lay out cleared direction.
Matthew 23:13-39
Jesus speaks of teh sorrow and tragedy that awaits teh teachers of religous law as they have more importance on teh gold in the temple itself than the temple itself or the meaning of the temple. He also says tithing is important6 but more important are justice, mercy and faith. "You strain your water so you won't accidentally swallow a gnat, but you swallow a camel." He talks of them washing the outside of the cup but the inside being filthy (isn't this like a lot of us caring more about show and appearance than the truth of our heart) He goes on about how these religous leaders have built tombs for prophets that there ancestors had killed and that they are teh same as there ancestors.
Proverbs 7:1-5
Obey my commands and live, guard my ministries as you guard your own eyes. Love, wisdom like a sister:Make insight a beloved member of your family.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Day 34 Feb 03

Exodus 17:8-19:15
The first battle shows teh battle when the Amolak attack the Israelites, Moses held his hand and the forces won in a long battle. I looked this up and found something interesting that I did not think of myself. Yah wah nissi "the Lord is my banner". I need to call on the Lord in my battle to be my banner. When Jethro is giving Moses advice he is putting in little disclaimers that I use all the time if "God willing", even though it is great advice it does need to be God's will and his decision. No matter how wise and right we are in our advice make sure that it is left in God's will.
Matthew 22:34-23:12
Again in this passage teh Pharisees try to trap Jesus wich is a foolish ploy. Jesus explains that the Pharisees are teh teachers of Moses laws so practice and obey what they teach and show but don't follow their example. That could be the case with so many "religous leaders" of today who have fallen, they teach the word of God but don't live it that way. I love how we are supposed to be so humbled "don't let anyone call you Rabbi, for you have only one teacher, and all of you are equal as brothers and sisters and don't address anyone on earth as Father for only God in heaven is your spiritual father. And don't leyt anyone call you teacher for you have only one teacher the Messiah. The greatest among you must be a servant but those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Day 33 Feb 02 . 2nd Exdous 15:19-17:7, Mathew 22:1-33, Psalm 27:1-6

Exdous 15:19-17:7
After the lord aboloshises the Egyptians in the sea and saved the isrialites, they are walking and have no water, they come across the bitter water "marav?" and complain to Moses.
Thy start complaining and show a lack of faith. Is this why he set befor them the decree. The peaple of israel again show a lack of faith, the Lord tests them and they fail miserabley..
"How long will these people disobay my commands and instructions. Yet again he people questioned the lord, is this me again Lord how many times have you entered my life and shown me countless miraculous events and yet I still doubt and walk away from you. Not not believing but thinking that you will not provide or will not guide me in my life if i chose to walk with you.
Mathew 22:1-33
The trappings of the pharisees are comical, how and why to trap someoneas all knowing of Jesus christ, my on problems would be like racing a fast car us a paralyzed person.
Trying to trap someone who knows all your motives and intentions is crazy.
Psalm 27:1-6
This Psalm is my favorite so far, it is awesome and powerfull and current to me. The Lord is my light and salvation , so why should I be afraid the Lord is my fortress, protection from danger so why should i tremble. This Psalm is the strength and power I need to face my enemies, which are my own past sins and current sins.
God bless me Amen.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Day 32 February 1, 2010

Exodus 13:17- 15:18
This is the passage where the Lord hardens the Pharoh's heart again and he sends the Egyptians after the Hebrews. The Israilites again it seems constantly doubt God and what He will do for them; He has shown them all a these divine events yet they still doubt. It took the absolute destruction of the Egyptian people to realize the strength and power of God; it took the same event for the Isarailites to realize that the Lord is their only one.
Matthew 21:23-46
The leading preists and elders demand actually demand from our Saviour answers. Who do these people think they are? Hasn't Jesus proven enough to grow their respect and humbleness? Is this God hardening their hearts as he has done with the Pharoh in the past to prove a point? The parable with the vineyard and the owner is clear what will happen with the unbelievers.
Proverbs 6:16-19
There are seven things the Lord despises..We all do each one and see where I stack up
1. Haughty eyes
2. Lying tounge
3. Hands that kill the innocent
4. A heart that plots evil
5. Feet that are idle do wrong
6. A false witness that pours out lies
7. A person who sows discord in family

Day 31 January 31, 2010

Exodus 12:14-13:16
Is this tradition the Lord speaks of customary..what is it called? It refers to no yeast in bread, etc. Is there any significance to yeast and yeast not being allowed or is it just a show of their sacrifice to him? Are all these rituals just to remember that the Lord's mighty and fulfilled his promise to the Israelites.
Matthew 20:29 -21:22
When Jesus is coming to Jerusalem He sent two of his people ahead to grab the two donkeys (one colt). He is going to ride into Jerusalem on these, showing how humble he is..he could have chosen anything but he comes on the cheapest. When he gets to the temple in Jerusalem he sees them buying and selling and trading He gets very angry. "My temple will be called a house of prayer, but you have turned it into a den of thieves" Jesus refers to faith etc. in this passage with the fig tree. It is not providing fruit so he causes it to wither and die. The disciples were amazed at this and asked how it was possible. Jesus tells them that with faith anything is possible. If you want to push a mountain into the sea, pray for it and you will receive it. This is what Nate relates to at his breakfast.
**Important thing just hit me, the Lord uses us as tools to His glory. They are sometimes different. My relationship with Christ doesn't allow me to judge. I feel deeply convicted if I do. My convictions may be less with something else equally important in God's eyes. But if God is using us as His tools, sometimes He needs a 60lb. mallet and sometimes he may need a fine chisel. We are not wrong if we are doing it in God's name.

Day 30 January 30, 2010

The Lord explains to Moses how he hardened the Pharoh's heart so he could show him all the signs. This shows to me that maybe bad things are sometimes a part of God's plan. This may be the case with me and my life and my walk with the Lord.
Matthew 20: 1-28
The analogy of the worker's on the vines and the farm owner being like the kingdom of heaven is great. I t doesn't matter at what point and when you come into heaven, your reward eternal salvation is the same as someone who has walked with the Lord their whole life. Don't be jealous that our Lord is so kind and merciful; rejoice and love him that much more! Wehn the mother of James and John asks that her tow sons be sitting right beside Jesus in heaven, he scolds her and tells her to lead men you have to be the servant, if you want to be first every man, you have to become a slave.
Psalm 25:1-15
"Do not let me be disgraced", "No one who trusts in you will ever be disgraced". This is true as I experience this right now, I should be terribly disgraced in my life right now, but I'm not because of the Lord.
Proverbs 6:6-11
This passage is directed to me. Let me work hard and not let laziness settle in. Starting tomorrow, I will work really hard.