Friday, March 5, 2010

DAY59, FEB. 28, 2010

Leviticus 27:17-23:44
Again, another passage by the Lord giving instructions and directions to Moses to give to the people of Israiel. These directions focus quite a bit on the festivals throughout the year.

Mark 9:30-10:12
This passage starts out with it stating that as He traveled through Galillee, He didn't want people knowing He was there. It states that He wanted to teach the disciples; He needs them to be able to pass on the word..His word.. after He is gone so that is probably part of the importance of Him needing to teach the apostles. The wisdom that Jesus speaks of in these passages is awesome; the disciples are arguing about who is the best out of them. Jesus states that the last and who serves everyone else will be the first. Jesus also says that if miracles are performed in his name, then He is for us, anyone who is not against us is for us. Aain the Pharises try to trap Jesus with their trick questions that they think are so well thought out traps. Jesus uses His infinite wisdom to always make these attempts so foolish.

Psalms 44:1-8
Good solid Psalm putting the strength and grace where it needs to be.

Proverbs 10:19
I love this: Keep our mouths shut!

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