Tuesday, March 23, 2010

DAY 69 MARCH 10, 2010

Numbers 14:1-15:16
It absolutely blows me away the lack of faith or fear the Israielites have for the Lord. He has provided many huge miracles and done many Godly acts to warrant their faith and respect. They actually start to plot against Moses and talk about going back to Egypt. The Lord tells Moses what He is going to do for their lack of faith and respect...none of them willl enter this land except for Joshua and Caleb because they showed the faith and loyalty and commitment that God deserved. Lord, I make my own covenant with You; I will not turn away. I respect, fear, and love You.

Mark 14:53-72
This passage starts with them trying to find something to put on Jesus. The people they brought totally were falsely testifying and their stories contradicted each other. Hi is the truth and nothing agianst Him is false and sinful. When one of the high priest asks Him if He is the Messiah and the Son of God, He simply answers, "I Am", with the honest truth He knows He is persicuting Himself and is ready to accept God's will. This is where Peter denies Jesus three times befoe the rooster crows twice. How can you let this happen when you said you would die before you would deny Him? Peter has made a huge mistake but I'm sure Jesus has forgiven him for this error. He realizes it when he hears the rooster crow for the second time. Fulfilling Jesus' prophesy, he breaks down suffering great regret.

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