Tuesday, March 23, 2010

DAY 70, MARCH 11, 2010

Numbers 15:17-16:40
These passages in Numbers show God's vengance agianst the people of Israel. He killls a great many and shows His power to all the people. He causes the ground to open up and swallow the families that were conspiring against Moses and Aaron. He then burns up the 250 people who were also conspiring agianst Moses and Aaron. These passages again show us how we don't appreciate our life and how we forget the things that God has done for us.

Mark 15:1-47
It seems as if Pilate has more respect and understands the situation with Jesus more than the Jews do. He realizes the Pharises arrested Him out of envy. He even demands them to tell him what crime he has committed. The torture and abuse that Jesus took is stressed and hard to take. The most fascinating part is that He knoew He was going to be taking this abuse and torture, yet He walked with God and let His will happen. It is still so powerful to think what Jesus did for our sins, not just our sins 2000 years later but for the sins of the people who were crucifying Him. What a truly powerful statement to die for the sins of the people who have tortured, humiliated, and ultimitely crucified you. Jesus, I love you, and everything about you. You are my saviour and have provided a sinner like me a chance for eternal salvation. Praise you with everything I am, I love you!

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