Saturday, March 6, 2010

DAY 62, MARCH 3, 2010

Leviticus 27:14-Numbers 1:54
As I enter into Numbers a lot of people talk about the readings and say it is extremely boring. It is the word of God, so with all due respect, Leviticus was a tough read, but there were still lessons to be learned. I am glad to be in a new book, a new "environment' and "landscape" if you will. The study Bible mentions that Genesis is about beginnings and Exodus about redemptions, then Numbers is about warfare. The numbers of Israel people able to fight numbers are 600,000--an impressive shocking number that is surprising at how big it is. One of the beginning chapters of Numbers explains how the Levites are not included in this number as they have an important job at protecting the Tabernacle and Aaron.

Mark 11:1-26
These passages have some important parts and things worth pointing out. His entrance into the city is like a king, riding a donkey with people laying their clothes before him. It is similar to a conquest bu a religious conquest done out of love and respect and choice. The next important part is the happenings at the temple when Jesus snaps on all the people doing business there. This is a sacred place meant for PRAYING, not PREYING and PAYING. The third important part is the issue with the fig tree and how He withers it from its roots up; He also later uses this as an example of true faith. The fig also represents Israiel's lack of faith.

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