Saturday, January 16, 2010

Jan. 16 ,10, Genisis 32:13-34:31, Mathew 11:7-30, Psalm 68:19-35, Proverbs 11:29-31

Genisis 32:13-34:31
Jacob is giving all these gifts to his brother Esan, it seems to be showing a call of faith again or all these deceptions the will of god to keep thy safe?
When Jacob is wrestling is it God he is wrestling all night? when Csow meets Jacob it seems as if all is good and well between them, jacob has to asist constantly from Esan to accept all his shifts.
Q Dose Jacob eventualy go and meet his ??????? on dose he not trust him?.
The rape and ??????? murder was not condemed on end journy by Jacob he was away with his sins as no what they had done.
Mathew 11:7-30
In this passage it is spoken in contradiction but the contradictions and tree are accurate.
Jhon the babtist is greedy here on earth but he would be ????? than anyone in the kingdom of heavon.
"Come to me all of you who are wearyand carry heavy beardons, and i will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you> Let me travel you beacause i am humble and gentle at heavon, any you will find rest for your souls, for my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden i give you is light."
Proverbs 3:19-20
-By wisdom lond founded the earth.
-By understanding he created the Heavons
-By his knowledge the deep foundation ????????

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