Alf,Have a look at this picture. The cloud in the sky is shaped like a wing and underneath the sun is rising. In front is the shadow of a church. The first thing that comes to my mind when looking at this is that God's wings cover the church and all who are faithful to him. The second thing that comes to mind is that the earth, the sun and everything else on this earth is shadowed by God and is under his reign. The best part of this picture is that I took it this morning on my way into Tilbury and the wing was directly over top of your house.God has great plans for you and your family. He loves you and is showing you this through the vision that he has given me.Have a great day!Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network
This picture was sent a week before Christmas from one of my best freinds I have ever had, it is one of the inspirations to me doing this daily blog. I do not have a facebook acct, I dont read too many emails but this forum is going to be my new accountability trail to freinds, family but most importantly to myself. Please read the bio to see what I'm about now and how the Lord has enetered and changed my life for good.
Day 1 Jan 1
Genesis 1:1 - 2:25
God "warned" Adam about the tree of good and evil, still allowing free choice and free will.
When in Paradise why risk it all? It seems like such a simple question, if you are in the most
amazing place in the world, why would you do anything to jeopardize that place. On the seventh
day God rested, we are not supposed to work on Sunday yet my wife works today and I
provide a place for people to work on Sundays.
Q: What to do when scientific proof disputes what is in the bible, do I or am I supposed to
question or am I supposed to just beleive?
Q: Is everything in bible literal?
Psalm 1:1-6
Good and Joy reaped on non sinners, judgement on sinners "For the Lord watches over the
patch of the godly but the path of the wicked leads to destruction"
Proverbs 1:1-6
This first proverbs gives the definitions and reasons behind them.
-to teach people insight and wisdom
-to teach peopel to live succesfull lives
-to teach people to do what is just, right and fair
- it provides insight to the simple, knowledge to the young and for teh wise to become wiser
Q: Do woman have one less rib than man or vice versa
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