Sunday, September 26, 2010

Crazy Experience

Went to the states yesterday to go out to eat with the family, stopped in briefly at Wallmart when a crazy experience happened or unfolded. A young guy (probally about 13) was walking with a poster board sign that read " I tried to steal batteries from Walmart. GOD says thou shall not steal". He was walking in front of the store back and forth and obviously was not grinning ear to ear. A flood of funky emotions came over me, I walked up to him and told him that I was involved in stealing allot more than batteries and my name was on the front page of the paper and to keep his chin up. He gave me a half smile and continued walking. Kudos to his parents or whoever was responsible for this form of punishment, lessons can be learned and taught from anywhere at anytime. What great lessons I learned, yesterday, three weeks ago and a year ago. To the few people following this I promise I will do it more frequent

Friday, September 3, 2010


Hallelujah! I just reviewed the front page news article online...and in the end, I'm actually somewhat relieved. Firstly, sorry for not updating my daily walk, but I will start to do so immediately, as I have continued to read and write my way through the Bible.
Some of the things, including this blog, may be not legally sound, but so be it. I am extremely sorry that Dean's name was mentioned, as he had absolutely nothing to do with this mess, and to the best of my knowledge, Della was also unaware. The comments by Steve were extremely disappointing, and actually hurt, but at this time, we will continue to pray for him and his family. There are hundreds if not thousands of people I have not talked to and this has been one of the biggest casualties of the scenario that played out. To the innocent bystanders, I am truly sorry, first and foremost my wife & kids. To my core group of friends and family who know the truth, I appreciate all of your support. Please remember to have my family in your prayers.
Please bear with me as I gather my thoughts back together and begin to write about what I've read in God's word...